Meet Our Team

Healthcare Professionals Dedicated To Helping You Meet Your Goals.

Darren Stevens


Massage Therapy

Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Graston Technique Provider.

Massage types: Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Pre & post natal, Cupping, Rehabilitation, Chronic & Acute Pain Management, Therapeutic, Joint Mobilization, Fascial Release and more.

Darren has over 26,000 hours of hands on practice experience and applies a patient centered, research informed model of care, since graduating from Centennial College’s Massage Therapy Advanced Diploma program, in 2002. Since then he has completed a B.P.H.E. with a minor in Health Promotion at Laurentian University and a M.A at the University of Guelph.

How we got Started

Ripple Effect was born out of a passion delivering for a holistic, research informed and patient-centered approach to wellness, leading us to the establishment of a place where healthcare knowledge and practice converge.

Our Patient-Centered Approach

Every patient is important. We are committed to providing personalized, high-quality services that focus on your well-being and healthcare needs.

Let's Begin Your Healing Journey

We're Here to Listen and Help

Start by booking your session through our easy-to-use online booking page. For any queries, you can visit our contact page. Alternatively, fill out the contact form for assistance.